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Showing 73 to 78 records of 256 Records

Automobile Parts
Truck Workx
Lusaka, Zambia
We are a registered company in Zambia and looking for agency agreements to distribute automotive parts, tyres, batteries, lubricants, vehicle consumables in the Zambian market. We are located in the business district of Lusaka and have extensive knowledge of the local market trends and requirements.
Companies in Africa
Tyres & Batteries
Apple Eye Trading Co. Ltd.
Nairobi, Kenya
We are a company specialising in creating lartnerships through trading as a marketing and sales agency for manufacturing firms interested in venturing indepth to the market. We have capacity to conduct the necessary research and enable those we are working with achieve the expected goals in a satisfactory way. Whereas professionalism is our way of working we are also free thinkers and go beyond the limits.   We specialise...
Companies in Africa
Lubricants & Grease
MaTaCo Energy
Lagos, Nigeria
MaTaCo provides Robotic 3-D Zero-Entry Tank Cleaning & Tank Calibration services for the Oil & Gas, Telecoms, and Manufacturing, industries. MaTaCo Energy offers a competitive brand of Base Oil excellent for OBM/SBM MaTaCo Energy is a leading supplier of petroleum products. Products include - Engine Oil for AGO and PMS engines, degreaser & fuel filters.
Companies in Africa
Automobile Parts
Automartins Business Venture Nig. Ltd.
Lagos, Nigeria
We deal in all kinds of injection and caburator fuel pump. I replace Complete fuel pump with fuel sender. I buy from importers and I sell to retailers and consumers as well.
Companies in Africa
Automobile Parts
Laughlight General Dealers
Chilanga, Zambia
The company operates as a sales agent for companies having products and are looking for people to assist them look for market and people to buy in the Zambian market. We act as your representative in promoting your products across Zambia by acting as sales agents and representatives in Zambia.
Companies in Africa
Leads Generation Africa
Tyres & Batteries
Luanda, Angola
Automatriz SA has been a leading Importer and supplier of automobile tyres and batteries. Dealing in various brands and qualities of tyres and batteries for all types of vehicles in Angola. Automatriz SA has built an enviable reputation in the market as a reliable supplier of tyres and batteries for all types of passenger cars, light and heavy commercial vehicles.
Companies in Africa
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