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Burj Eiffel lnt Lubricants lndLLC
Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
The Foundation: Burj Eiffel Int. Lubricants lndLLC was established in 2004. Since then it has grown from strength to strength & has established itself as an organization focused on quality & customer centricity. We are a leading lubricant & grease manufacturer in the region, whose products are exported to more than 25 countries across the Middle East & African region and is an emerging force in the local market. Our Philosophy: We treat our customers as business partners & believe that in their success lies our growth. Technology: Base oil is procured from EM & European refineries & additives from Lubrizol and Afton.We have OEM approvals from major Equipment Builders like Volvo, Renault, Mack, Mercedez Benz, MAN, Porsche and Volkswagen. Our Facilities: We have multiple blending & filling facility of lubricants & greases. The capacity is 40000 MT lubricants, 16000 MT greases & 6000 MT Viscosity Improvers per annum.
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