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GST German Sensor Technology
Holzgerlingen, Germany
GST german sensor technology is your competent partner for innovative products and solutions in the area of automobile sensor technology. We are focussing on: Brake pad sensors (warning switches, brake wear indicators) Rotational speed sensors (passive and active) as ABS-, crankshaft- and camshaft-sensors as well as customized, engineered sensors. We manufacture injection moulding tools of any kind beyond our internal needs, which in most cases can be tested immediately on site on available injection moulding machines. Technologies: engineering, tool making, injection moulding i.e. for HT-compounds, cable processing, coil production, assembly, documentation I certification. GST has the widest product range for the lAM with more than 150 ABS- sensors and 300 brake- wear-indicators. All parts are manufactured in-house "Made in Germany" in DE-quality. Complete product range on stock, very short delivery times and low Moo· s. Permanent range extension of aftermarket fast movers
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