African Business Directories

Fraga Oil Gh. Ltd.
Accra, Ghana
Fraga Oil (Fraga) is one of the leading indigenous Ghanaian Oil Marketing Companies. Fraga Oil engages in the haulage, transportation and reselling of petroleum products both at wholesale and retail levels. Fraga's vision is to become a world-class oil marketing company with a strong international consulting capacity. As such, Fraga Oil envisaged becoming the market leader in the oil industry especially within the West African sub-region. Fraga Oil sees its principal challenge in the years ahead, as its ability to formulate and implement a distinctive and dynamic market policy where support is provided to its customers in the areas of training, transporting, retailing, environment and safety. Fraga's mission is to supplement the region's ever increasing energy demand through the provision of broad based petroleum products to the West African sub-region. This mission statement sets forward our corporate philosophy of: * Offering our customers a portfolio of quality oil marketing and management services developed and delivered by a team of professionals ably supported by proactive sales executives. No wonder, our motto, “ENERGY FOR THE NATION”. * Meeting the demands of our valued customers in a timely and energy efficient manner, every day, any time.
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