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New East General Trading Est.
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Established In 1992,100% Owned By Emirates National And Located In Dubai(United Arab Emirates). New East General Trading Est. is a leading company for import and export of various automotive spare parts specialized in Japanese application with more than 50 competent and professionally dedicated Manager/ Officers. OUR VISION : Maintain as one of the top dealer of authentic Japanese made automotive spare parts locally and outside United Arab Emirates market and always be a top choice for the customers. OUR MISSION: Our Company's foundation is built on our values, which distinguish us and guide our action.We conduct our business in a socially responsible and ethical manner, what we earn, gain, trust among the customers,employees and the community as a whole. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS: We carry more than 2 billion yen of stock,safely stored in 2 own warehouse of more than 25000 sq.m. size, maintained by skilled and professional staff to serve the best to our customer.
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