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Setco Automotive ltd.
Mumbai, India
Setco Automotive is a premier manufacturer of clutch products for the Automotive ,hydraulic products for Construction Equipment Industry and foundry products. We have four manufacturing and distribution facilities that allows us to cater to individual customers needs; Setco Automotive Ltd, India (For South& Central Asia, Middle East& Africa), Setco Automotive UK Ltd (For UK& Mainland Europe), Setco Automotive NA Inc (For North, Central& South America, Australia).And a distribution facility in Dubai, United Arab Emirates In addition we have a R&D base in the United Kingdom, where design and validation of clutches is performed. We are committed to delivering customer care and satisfaction. We are committed to offering the entire spectrum of clutches castings to the highest quality and at a globally competitive price. We are conscious about the environment we operate in and have a strong focus on corporate social responsibility and the ecology.
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