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Biagio Turbos I Ecoturbo Biagio
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Biagio Turbos is a 100% Brazilian owned company, which holds innovative and proprietary solutions for developing its own turbochargers. Following market requirements and characteristics and conditions of use of the engines, Biagio Turbos has developed specific projects for every kind of application. And because the company has its own foundries, it is capable of producing itself all the key components of its final products. This allows the company to hold the complete control over the manufacture process, guaranteeing the best quality over them. Today, Biagio Turbos occupies new and modern facilities, the company constantly investing in technology and innovations, with the goal to provide top of the line products to the market. The turbochargers manufactured by Biagio Turbos are made to meet several kinds of demands, such as the ones required by the following manufacturers: buses, pick-ups, tractors, bulldozers, harvesters, industrial engines, generators and marine engines.
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