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Excellent Products Group
Hoorn 1627 , Netherlands
Who are we? Since 1976, we have produced products that promote traffic safety under the brand name JUMBO and CROSSAFE. When you secure goods or loads, there is a good chance that you are using one of our products. In addition to our JUMBO products, Excellent Products also develops and manufactures innovative, patented and certified concepts for which the central focus is on the customer. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) We work based on a long-term vision and invest heavily in our relationship with our customers, suppliers and employees and care for the environment. Our main office is located in the Netherlands. The production department is located in Vietnam. All of our products are produced according to the strictest of safety requirements, are tested according to European standards and meet the quality marks ofTOV Rheinland, Geprufte Sicherheit, BSI (ISO standards) and Pymot
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