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Magneti Marelli Aftermarket Parts and Services Spa
Corbetta 20011 , Italy
Magneti Marelli is a worldwide organization based in Italy (Corbetta, Milan). committed to the design and production of hi-tech systems and components for the automotive sector. With about 38,000 employees, 89 production units, 12 R&D Centres and 26 Application Centres, the Group has a direct presence in 19 countries and supplies - as an OE manufacturer- all the leading car makers in Europe, North and South America, and Asia. Magneti Marelli After Market Parts and Services is the Magneti Marelli distribution branch of multibrand spare parts to the network of workshops and garages. It offers training services, technical tools and know-how to the Independent Aftermarket, as well as a complete range of original products that meet the needs of different market segments: Lighting, Body Parts, Electricals/Eiectronics, Mechanical and Consumables
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