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Kancioglu Otomotiv Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.S
Istanbul, Turkey
Kanca I Kancioglu Otomotiv A.S was founded in 7960 , Istanbul to manufacture rubber metal truck parts and brake chambers. The vision of our company is continu­ ously improvement of Kanca products Quality to reach a global brand standards as well as being a leader in its field in the World. It's significant to sustain the Qualityand technical effectiveness for Kanca to increase the Quality level while using technological improvements in manufacturing . The Quality of Kanca products is proved by International Inspection companies . We have TS EN ISO 9007. 2008, ISO TS 76949 .· 2009, ISO 74007 .2004, OHSAS 18007 :2007 and ECE-R73 quality certificates .. We are exporting 52 companies on 5 con­ tinent all over the World as Kanca Brand.
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