African Business Directories

Nairobi, Kenya
General Motors East Africa is located in Nairobi, Kenya and serves the Eastern Africa region covering the countries of Burundi, Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. he vehicle manufacturing plant in Nairobi assembles a wide range of Isuzu trucks and buses. It is the largest manufacturer of commercial vehicles in the Eastern Africa region with more than fifteen models. GM East Africa also retails fully built Chevrolet and Opel brands. GMEA is an exporter of fully assembled and specialised vehicles to Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique, and Malawi. General Motors East Africa Limited is certified to ISO 9001:2000 (quality management system) and ISO 14001:2004 (environment management system), the best known testimonials to world class quality and environmental standards respectively. GM East Africa also meets Isuzu Japan Manufacturing System Quality Certification and complies with GM Corporation (USA) Corporate Audit requirements GM East Africa has over 25 years experience in local assembly and service. Vehicles are engineered to suit local operating conditions with up to 50% local content on some models. GM East Africa continues to develop and modify designs to customer requirements. An ultra modern Service Centre with state of the art equipment and skilled personnel provides our customers with additional after-sales service and support. Field service support is available in the entire Eastern Africa region from GM East Africa and its dealer network. A Parts and Accessories warehouse services the entire region giving support to customers and dealers. Optional equipment is also available through this channel.
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