African Business Directories

Chicason Group
Lagos, Nigeria
Chicason Group of Companies is a high profile, technology driven, customer oriented companies, conceived to be among the best indigenous conglomerates in Nigeria and Africa, in terms of product quality and service delivery. Companies in Chicason Group are founded on the tradition of total commitment to Excellence. Chicason Group consists of highly aggressive corporate members, with interlinked activities, resulting in group synergy. The group is the brain child of a hard working, visionary, positive, progressive and prolific entrepreneurship of Chief, (Sir), Alexander Chika Okafor who started off in 1980 as a local trader, graduating in later years into importation and industrialisation. Like the biblical mustard seed, the group has grown to encompass the underlisted corporate members. Resources Improvement and Manufacturing Company Ltd. (RIMCO). Promotex Industrial and Chemical Company Ltd. A-Z Petroleum Products Ltd. Trust Global Services Ltd. Afro-Asia Automobiles Ltd. Cason Travels Ltd. Neutral Resources Ltd. RIMCO Farms and Plantations Ltd. Chicason-Mannyon Specialist Hospitals Ltd. Master Feeds Ltd. Master Fertilizers Ltd. Best Total industries Ltd. Alex International Agencies Ltd Rock Of Ages Properties Limited.
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