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Kistenmacher Auto + Technik GmbH
Buchholz, Germany
KISTENMACHER have now been one of the leading exporters of premium quali ty spare parts for the automotive industry for over 40 years - and we're still just as passionate about our work as we were when we started. Our expertise derives from many years of experience working in the Near- and Middle East. That's why so many well-known OE and OEM suppli ers put their t ru st in KISTEN MACHER. Our vast experience in other markets and with other cultures has been one of the decisive fa ct ors in our expansion into the markets of north- and south-eastern Asia that began in 2005. In the meantime, we have maintained long-term partnersh ips with many customers in the countries of these regions and, through us, they have access to an enormous range of products that now includes over 10,000 different spare parts for Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Volkswagen, Audi, MAN, Scania and Volvo veh icles .
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