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Saudi Filters Industry Co
Dammam, Saudi Arabia
The company was established in 1988 to produce a comprehensive range of oil, fuel and air filters under technology from Purolator, U.S.A. The company has become the leading manufacturer& exporter of engine filters for many of the world's cars, light trucks, heavy trucks, construction equipment, agriculture equipments and other industrial applications with customers spread in more than 15 countries. It is also representing& distributing filters for leading filter manufacturers from outside Saudi Arabia for power generation, petro- chemicals, cement, oil, gas and other industrial applications. The company's factories, located in Dammam Second Industrial Estate, utilize the latest technology in filter manufacturing. It is capable of producing over 8 million filters a year with such high quality, which is required to ensure continued compliance with the requirements and specifications of OEMs. Saudi Filters is part of Rashed A AI Rashed Group of companies We provide warranty for SFICO products
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