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Showing 379 to 384 records of 1188 Records

Automobile Parts
lndustrias SG SAC
Lima, Peru
S.A.C SG Industries is a metal mechanic company operating since 1976 in the field of powder metallurgy. It's divided basically in the production of powdered and sintered metals. 1. The sintered materials can have a porosity from very high to a virtually zero, with countless applications in each case. 2. We manufacture composite materials of metals and non­ metals, as an example: Graphite Sintered Bronze self-lubricating, among others. 3. We...
International Supplier to Africa
Automobile Parts
Industrial E Comercio De Autopec;as Van­ nucci ltd
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Vannucci Group is a big manufacturer and distributor for heavy duty truck parts in Brazil. With more than 20 years in the market, we are based in Sao Paulo and we have 4 branches to cover the entire territory. We manufacture king pins and bushing kits for all brands (VW, Ford, MBB. Scania, Volvo, lveco) and distribute more than 40.000 different items for all kinds of heavy duty truck parts, specially for Mercedes-Benz. Scania, Volvo, Ford,...
International Supplier to Africa
Automobile Parts
Industria Metalurgica Frum ltd
Minas Gerais, Brazil
Frum is the market leader in secure mobility, producing discs and brake drums, wheel hubs, axles, supports and special parts iron casting, gray and nodular iron with maximum quality and International standard. Based in Extrema - MG. Frum attends all over Brazil and has operations in many coutries around the world. Frum is able to attend the needs of each client . The products are tested and optimized under the most extreme conditions , ensuring...
International Supplier to Africa
Automobile Parts
Industria Chimica Reggiana, ICR S.P.A.
Reggio Emilia, Italy
lcr, Industria Chimica is born in 1961 at Reggio Emilia and started it activity as a car body filler and adhesive for marble. The core business was always car refinish where the company has invested a lot in technological and human resources. Within a couple of decades, ICR has become firmly established on the market with its Sprint brand, recognizable vertical stripes. The reasons of this success are: The Quality products, knowledge of the...
International Supplier to Africa
Automobile Parts
Indication Instruments ltd
Haryana,, India
We are leading manufacturer of automotive dashboarddisplays, instruments clusters, instruments, sensors & switches. We have a world class manufacturing facility of 130000 sqft. area with air conditioned assembly anti static flooring in-house test lab etc. our R&D Team comprises of more than 50 Engineers & make use of APOP Techniques for product development
International Supplier to Africa
Leads Generation Africa
Automobile Parts
lnci GS Yuasa Aku San. Ve Tic. A.S.
Manisa , Turkey
lnci Aku A.S. was established by Cevdet lnci in 1984 in Manisa Organized Industrial Zone. lnci Aku following its foundation in 1984 started its first works with vehicle manufacturers in 1985. lnci Aku produced Calcium battery alloy lead and presented to the market. l nci Aku, the most valuable brand of battery sector in Turkey, joins its strength in this field with Japanese giant GS Yuasa's global experience and vast knowledge on new...
International Supplier to Africa
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