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Ecore lnternationaiLLC
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
ECORE International LL.C. was established on the foundations of Moaref family's long legacy of experience and expertise in International trade with specific focus on automotive aftermarket products such as batteries and tires. This legacy was expanded and modernized by Mr. Kourosh Moaref where battery business was expanded to include all related products and services to energy harvesting and storage including Marine batteries, UPS systems and UPS batteries, Electric Vehicle batteries, industrial batteries, traction batteries, and solar energy harvesting and storage battery systems. Ecore International headquarters are based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates with supplier and customer relationships in South Korea, Thailand, France, United States of America, Canada, GCC Countries (including Kuwait, Qatar, United Arab Emirates). CIS countries (including Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Turkmenistan) and African countries such as Egypt, Nigeria, and Kenya.
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