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Ecumod Sri
Neive (CN) , Italy
ECUMOD, apparently a new name in the tuning field, but just at first glance. A new cooperation project between two leading companies gave birth to what represents a new business opportunity for companies involved in the distributions of parts, accessories and services in the automotive field. Based on the experience matured in the electronic management of the engine working, the project aims at supporting the increasing request for ECU recalibrations and upgrades of the firmware controlling the whole endothermic working process. The new calibration process is realized through a complete analysis of the engine working conditions. Adrenaline and passion drive the developments of the TUNING FILES, professionally tuned files providing outstanding results and superior performances of your propellers, still with the certainty of the maximum reliability. Different levels of calibrations and also specific additional features 'on demand' are provided, other than special files for a 100% custom-made tuning service.
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