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TEXA Deutschland GmbH
Langenbrettach, Germany

TEXA is a global leader in the design, development and production of multibrand diagnostic tools, exhaust gas analysers, air conditioning recharge stations and telediagnostic devices for cars, bikes, trucks, boats and farm machinery. TEXA has an extensive, worldwide distribution network and employs about 600 people, 400 of whom are based in the company's head offices in Monastier di Treviso - ITALY, where all TEXA products are designed, developed and made.

TEXA's ultra-modern production plant was inaugurated in 2012 and occupies over 100,000 square metres of grounds, with 30,000 square metres indoors. The new plant is a monument against delocalisation and the depersonalisation of labour. Side by side with advanced work environments it contains social and relaxation areas constructed according to local architecture and traditions.

Serving The Automotive Industry

TEXA's German branch is located in Obersulm near Heilbronn. Founded in 2002, she is responsible for sales of TEXA products in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. With around 40 employees, extremely efficient customer service is guaranteed. A professional call center, made up of vehicle repair specialists, provides assistance with diagnostics, emissions measurement and air conditioning service. In the TEXA EDU training center, customers learn to use TEXA devices to the full and are familiarized with new technologies in vehicles and their diagnosis in advanced training courses. The focus is on practical work directly on the vehicle in small work groups.

A well-stocked warehouse ensures fast and reliable delivery of finished products and spare parts. Repairs and maintenance on the devices are carried out both on site and at the customer's facility. A loan device dispatch rounds off this customer service.

TEXA devices are sold exclusively through a close-knit network of authorized dealers who are supported by TEXA field service on site. 

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