African Business Directories

Cato Group
Johannesburg, South Africa
One of the largest importer and exporter of auto body replacement part in South Africa. The company was established since 1995 in Johannesburg and has been known as a reliable supplier of quality parts in the automobile industry. Today we have our central warehouse facility in Johannesburg.

Today we have branches in Johannesburg, Pretoria, Cape Town, Umtata and Bloemfontein and are busy with negotations of extending our franchise to other majer cities in RSA.

CATO Auto Parts take pride in quality management and has a team of committed and customer conscious staff. The company continuously invests in product development and a sophisticated information system to provide the customer the best quality, prices and most complete range of products in the local and export markets. We boast an excellent relationship and provide an adequate service to our neighboring states.

CATO also boasts of supplying parts, manufactured by two major suppliers from the east, namely, TYC – lamps, PFTC - plastic and API - metal.   
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